In WHO IS IT from 1993, the world also seems to coming to an end. Michael Jackson and the biblical „Whore Babylon“ not only in the shortfilm WHO IS IT And this time, too, she is endowed with all the signs of a whore.

In WHO IS IT, Jackson shows us the protagonist as a box office magnet who prostitutes himself. And he shows the pale, unflamboyant managers who make sinful amounts of money off the performance of the star they have under contract. But Jackson also shows in WHO IS IT the yield of this main character, so passionately desired by the clientele. Jackson’s story is set in an industry where anonymous workers are busy creating the illusion around the star. WHO IS IT features a star at the center of desire and shows countless „making of’s“ of this star behind the less than glamorous scenes. Michael Jackson’s WHO IS IT is about work, work, work and the pressures in a business where humanity and feelings are left behind. Another time he told the story of being crushed in a merciless, inhumane industry.

Michael Jackson released his short film WHO IS IT in 1993, the accompanying song is from the album DANGEROUS and once again Jackson presented a story of fame, corruption but also of betrayal and loneliness.