Through Free-Cam exploits, it is revealed that the model used for the camera in Garry's Mod, is the same camera used in the Half-Life series for scenes in which the character G-Man talks to series protagonist Gordon Freeman and/or the player. Choose a key in the keypad that activates/deactivates a camera. To open it, hold and press the context key (C by default). You cannot put it on entities (this includes players) It cannot view perimeters outside the map. Click that box, press a key, place the camera, now just press the assigned key and you can see through your camera! In the spawn menu there should be a box saying "Toggle" or something similar. Seeing Through the Camera: Press the key that you assigned to the placed camera.
It can create windows so you can use many cameras at the same time.In the context menu you can choose if the camera will be static or will have physics effects.Secondary fire, (MOUSE2 by default), spawns a camera that faces you or whatever you were aiming at when placing the camera.Primary fire, (MOUSE1 by default), spawns a camera.Press and hold the menu key (Q by default), then in the tool menu in "RENDER" select 'Camera'. A lot of online gamers are turning to options such as this, where their entire game is recorded unless you mute the mic.
This is instead of having a push and hold button like the traditional push to talk keys if you want to speak during the game.
Viewpoints in areas that were previously unreachable. They use their broadcasting software to set up a hotkey to mute their mic. This is useful for a simple security system on roleplay servers. The Camera Tool is a tool that allows the user to spawn cameras and see from their point of view through a designated key.