Or does the mod author … Original hairstyles included in this mod also apply. This is a set of compatibility patches for nuska's Oblivion Character Overhaul. Check the … The advantages of OCO1 is that it's more compatible with many mods that adds NPCs, and keeps vanilla aesthetics, but doesn't have detail of OCO2.

So I'm tentatively looking for a new face overhaul. Description: On a practical level Oblivion Character Overhaul 2 gives every … The only other mods I had installed were Oblivion Reloaded, the Unofficial Patch, & Darnified UI. Because Oblivion Character Overhaul edits many NPCs, it conflicts with any other mod that also edits NPCs. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - Unofficial Patch - castellano, Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - Unofficial Patch. Usually when NMM is unresponsive its trying to overwrite something, and the pop-up asking for permission to do so is behind the main NMM window. What does this mean? The result is very ugly. *** NEW installation video- **** Twitter: Twitch- Need help? Human characters haven't changed at and other races have either black faces or transparent. majority of characters are missing eyes - posted in Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting: I have an odd situation with my oblivion game. Description: On a practical level Oblivion Character Overhaul 2 gives every race and gender their own head mesh and textures.They all also have age slider variations and a couple of new hairstyles replacing vanilla ones. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Human characters haven't changed at and other races have either black faces or transparent. I haven't really found anything on the Nexus except for anime and sexy elf faces.

First I've installed OBSE, Blockhead and then Oblivion Character Overhaul. My characters LOOK fairly better, although their faces are blue-grey and they have "install blockhead" on their faces. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Which are fine if they're done well but I normally don't like them.